A State Department Official in responded to a inquiry about the recent story of a family in Vietnam seeking their daughter whom they say was trafficked for international adoption in 2007:
The Department of State takes very seriously the welfare of all children. We are committed to ensuring that intercountry adoption protects children, birth parents, and prospective adoptive parents. We do not comment on individual cases.
The most recent bilateral agreement governing adoptions between the United States and Vietnam was in effect from 2005 to 2008. During that period, hundreds of American families opened their homes to Vietnamese children. In many cases, these adoptions served to place children in a permanent, loving home in a safe and ethical manner. However, the Department also found that in some cases, birth parents had been pressured into placing their children for adoption or consent had not been appropriately obtained. Based on these and other concerns, the two countries mutually agreed not to renew the agreement in 2008.
In February 2012, the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption entered into force for Vietnam. The Government of Vietnam continues its efforts to strengthen its child welfare system and the integrity of its domestic and international adoption processes. In September 2013, Vietnam began accepting applications from U.S. Hague-accredited adoption service providers (ASPs) for authorization to operate a proposed limited intercountry adoption program. The program, if it goes into effect, would allow adoptions of children with special medical needs, children older than five, and children in biological sibling groups of two or more in Vietnam. Intercountry adoptions from Vietnam to the United States remain suspended at this time.
Vietnam’s acceptance of U.S. ASP applications is a positive step and helps to implement the type of ethical and transparent intercountry adoption system required by the Hague Adoption Convention. We will continue to monitor Vietnam’s progress in implementing the Convention and will publish more information on adoption.state.gov as it becomes available.