10th International Forum on the electronic Apostille Program (e-APP)
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
The Hague, the Netherlands
- Conclusions & Recommendations
- Agenda
- Opening Address: Michael Lightowler, The United Kingdom and Ireland Notarial Forum (supporting slides)
Mayela Celis & Brody Warren (HCCH), The e-APP and the International Fora: Progress made and outcomes to date
Roundtable #1: New States and Latest Developments
Carlos Bellei, Chile
Alfred Handler, Austria
Sitora Sultanova, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, Tajikistan
Kim Wan LUNG, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China
Amparo de la Cruz Tamayo Rodriguez and Claudia Esperanza Amaya Vargas, Colombia
Roundtable #2 : The Digital Demand
Dalho HAM and Jung-gu LEE, Republic of Korea
Ingmar Vali, Estonia
Sebastijan Potepan, Slovenia
Kasia McDonald, New Zealand
Steve Roylance, GlobalSign
Roundtable #3: Tomorrow and Beyond
Suren Krmoyan, Armenia
John Fisher, Australia
Frank R. Cimafranca, The Philippines
Christophe Blanchi, DONA Foundation
Closing address: Hrvoje Stancic, InterPARES Trust project: Preservation of Records Entrusted to the Cloud. Perspectives of the InterPARES Trust Project