Irish Immigration Law
Naturalisation (Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956)
Pursuant to the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (as amended), a person who has had a period of ‘reckonable’ residence in the State for five years, including a period of one year of continuous residence in the year immediately prior to making an application, can apply to the Minister to become an Irish citizen, by seeking a certificate of naturalisation. Certain individuals are only required to demonstrate three years reckonable residence. We can provide legal advice and assistance in relation to all aspect of naturalisation, including the making of an application.
In order to be eligible, certain statutory requirements must be satisfied and the grant of a certificate is at the discretion of the Minister. However, an applicant is entitled to a reasoned decision in the event of refusal and the failure by the Minister to provide this may mean that it is open to an applicant to seek to challenge the decision by way of Judicial Review. We can provide both advice in relation to the this and legal representation in appropriate cases. The statutory conditions for the grant of a certificate may be waived in certain circumstances and we can also provide legal advice in relation to this.